Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 29: Blowing in Firm (Kapalbhati in Vajrasana)

The 30 Day Challenge is like taking a daily commute through your body and mind. You’re driving the same car; the route never changes; the trip is always the same length. From day to day the car may purr along or it may cough and heave. You may get stuck in traffic. Once in a while, a usually congested intersection is completely clear, and you blow right through it, wishing it could be that clear every day. The radio station in your mind, might be turned off, but some days all you can hear are the obnoxious windbags on talk radio, ranting about the socialist bent of the temperature or the reactionary bias of the humidity. Could we get a nice, moderate breeze in here?

But some days, you notice new details in familiar places. A repaired sidewalk. New awnings over the shops. More greenery. You suddenly sink deeper and more comfortably in your seat. You’re able to shift gears just a little more easily. You realize that these places you’re traveling through are being renovated, opened up, modernized. Everything needs more work, but you realize things are changing almost imperceptibly. But those small details are adding up.

Does the commute sometimes feeling like I’m living through Groundhog’s Day? Sure. There have been times where the trip has been a slog. The first week was interesting—lots of up and downs. The second week was like driving through a ghost town where the lights were green at every intersection. Week three, there was ongoing construction at every corner, and the traffic snarled for miles. At various times in the last ten days, it’s been all of that.

Every day, the same route. Every day, a different journey. At the end, will I take a vacation? Come straight back for more? I have no idea. I’m about to park the car. I’ve arrived, but at what destination I’m not sure.

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