Monday, October 25, 2010

A Quick Note Before the 30 Day Challenge

First and most importantly: the Bikram Yoga Boston studios will be making a donation to the Franciscan Food Center in Boston for each person who completes the challenge. At least one of the Friars is a regular member of the studio, which explains the connection. If you'd like to make a donation, please go here. More info on their fine work is here.

The next 30 days of blogging will follow the course of a Bikram class, with some liberties taking to take a 26 posture regimen and ask it to cover 30 days. Each post will start with a picture of the regimen's creator, Bikram Choudhury, performing the posture (with one notable exception, which I'll deal with when we get to it). All pictures are copyright © 2010 except as noted.

More information on Bikram Yoga can be found here. Since most of the people I've mentioned the blog to live in or around Boston, it behooves me to include a link to the Bikram Yoga Boston studios. While my goal in writing these posts isn't to proselytize about the yoga or the places I practice it, I'm a fan of the regimen, and a very big fan of the friendly, charismatic and kind (and frequently funny-as-hell) teachers at the Boston and Cambridge studios.

And with that, let the stretching, grunting, groaning and blogging begin.



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