Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 6: Party Time

Awright, it’s Saturday! Time to party! Time to get wasted! Time to—have a quick sip of water? And hope the teacher opens the doors? And stop killing yourself for 30 seconds before… going back to killing yourself?

Welcome to Party Time, Bikram-style. No disco balls, no loud music, no bar staff, no beers, no shots. You’re semi-naked, sweating, in a room full of people who are also semi-naked. You will not chat anyone up, offeri to buy them a drink, or hoping to score a phone number or an e-mail (or better). You will drink your water and return to your standing position (feet on the black line, toes and heels touching nicely, standing up straight with your arms hanging by your side, your shoulders relaxed, your gaze straight ahead into the mirror). You will wait for instructions on the next posture, Standing Head to Knee. You will spend the next hour plus killing yourself some more.

At 30 seconds, maybe a minute, it’s the shortest party you’ll ever go to.

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