Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Daily Pitcher: Reaching Out, I'm a Fortune Teller

Boston is looking ugly today, and my back feels like crap. I'm not leaving the office until checkout time, and I'm not banking on getting a good photo during the commute. And when I get home? Well, pictures of cats acting cute are always a possibility, but I think I'll put the cutes on hold. It's too early to play that card.

So what to do? Well, let's look through my wallet. Ah, yes--the three fortunes Margo and I received at Ruby Foo's in NYC last Tuesday! Why three? Well, the third one was snared from the table next to us. I don't know if it was a date that wasn't going so hot, or if it was just a guy and a gal hanging out and one of them forgot their cookie. But at some point, it really seems like fate is screaming, "DUDE, that's your fortune. Rip it, read it and eat it." So we did.

The top one is M's; the second (made borderline comprehensible by a couple of clear "English as a fifth language" choices) is mine; the third, we agreed, is ours. The first one was good for M; the second one I could apply to basketball; the third one was perfect.

As a bonus, I turned over the fortunes to give you three very helpful words the next time you, say, want to order a specific drink in Chinese. Yummy.

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