Monday, March 30, 2009

The Daily Pitcher: My Heart Decalres a Holiday

Actually, my camera declares a holiday (roughly two weeks) to tackle rehearsals for my upcoming CD release April 11th at the Burren in Somerville MA (not to mention being a good son and working on my mom's house and yard). Info on my music, the CD that's issuing forth, and upcoming shows are here. Info on the Burren can be found here. The record will be available shortly through CD Baby, and the digital downloads will be up via the usual suspects a little while after.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Daily Pitcher: Such Great Heights

The Daily Bitcher: The Words of the Prophets Are Written on the Men's Room Walls

From the men's room at Lucky's in South Boston, Friday night, 9PM. Wet Bandits--now there's a band name.

The Daily Pitcher: Hand in Glove

M & I saw this at a Somerville open house on Saturday. No, seriously. Why don't you see more weird touches like this when people stage homes? Oh, that's right--because it's weird.

The Daily Pitcher: The Bells of Rhymney

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Daily Pitcher: Mystery and Misery

Tonight's pic is something of an enigma. M and I found this at Goodwill a year or so ago. It's such an odd print--the girl's gesture, so familiar, could be taken in a variety of ways: horror, revulsion, a stifled laugh, chagrin... of course, what we really want to know is, who created this? No signature, no identifying information... any ideas?

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Weekly Rocker: Dinner 1

This week we'll be getting the long overdue solo record off to the pressing plant. As Marvin Q. Martian would say, "Delays, delays... nothing but delays..." Even though it's lunchtime, anyone for a spot of dinner?

Dinner 1 - Scott Bishop

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Daily Pitcher: The Trees

The Daily Pitcher: NYC

M and I were in New York last week. I tagged along for a couple of shows she was attending. Show #1 was Bell Orchestre and Clogs trading pieces with the Brooklyn Philharmonic. The show was called "Shuffle Mode." A lot of interesting juxtapositions and contrasts, but not a great flow from band to band to orchestra. I'd have liked to see the orchestra more involved with the bands, instead of trading off between the three ensembles the whole night. Definitely a concept with a lot of possibilities.

But we did get to to meet Glen Hansard (he of The Frames, The Swell Season, and the 2008 Best Song Oscar) after the show. He's an absolute sweetheart. I asked him what he was doing in New York, and he said, "Finishing up a record." A Frames record? "Yeah... well, a Swell Season record. It started as a folk record, and it turned into a rock record." Of course, if I had any journalistic instincts whatsoever I would have asked for a clarification. Then again, I was wishing the Snilch was there to extend the conversation--he's the guy who hipped me to the Frames, and if there's anyone who could keep a conversation like that going, it would be him. Nonetheless, it was brilliant meeting Glen and chatting with him, however briefly.

Show #2, with Final Fantasy and Grizzly Bear performing sets with the Brooklyn Phil, was brilliant. Great arrangements for both acts by Nico Muhly.

The other highlight was lunching with Richard, a friend and former intern of M's. He works for Philip Glass--yes, that Philip Glass--and gave us a tour of his space. Koyaanisqatsi is one of my favorite films, so actually seeing Glass's handwritten score for it--even though it's about as intelligible to me as reading, say, Japanese--was an unexpected surprise. (So was finding out that Glass scored an Altoids commercial. Hey, a guy's gotta make a living, right?)

Since I didn't really have an opportunity to get the Daily Pitchers up, let's play catchup: